RestSharp v107+

RestSharp got a major upgrade in v107, which contains quite a few breaking changes.

The most important change is that RestSharp stop using the legacy HttpWebRequest class, and uses well-known 'HttpClient' instead. This move solves lots of issues, like hanging connections due to improper HttpClient instance cache, updated protocols support, and many other problems.

Another big change is that SimpleJson is retired completely from the code base. Instead, RestSharp uses JsonSerializer from the System.Text.Json package, which is the default serializer for ASP.NET Core.

Finally, most of the interfaces are now gone.

Brief migration guide

RestClient and options

The IRestClient interface is deprecated in v107, but brought back in v109. The new interface, however, has a much smaller API compared to previous versions. You will be using the RestClient class instance.

Most of the client options are moved to RestClientOptions. If you can't find the option you used to set on IRestClient, check the options, it's probably there.

This is how you can instantiate the client using the simplest possible way:

var client = new RestClient("");

For customizing the client, use RestClientOptions:

var options = new RestClientOptions("") {
    ThrowOnAnyError = true,
    Timeout = 1000
var client = new RestClient(options);

You can still change serializers and add default parameters to the client.

RestClient lifecycle

Do not instantiate RestClient for each HTTP call. RestSharp creates a new instance of HttpClient internally, and you will get lots of hanging connections, and eventually exhaust the connection pool.

If you use a dependency-injection container, register your API client as a singleton.

Body parameters

Beware that most of the code generators, like Postman C# code gen, generate code for RestSharp before v107, and that code is broken. Such code worked mostly due to obscurity of previous RestSharp versions API. For example, Postman-generated code tells you to add the content-type header, and the accept header, which in many cases is an anti-pattern. It also posts JSON payload as string, where RestSharp provides you with serialization and deserialization of JSON out of the box.

Therefore, please read the Usage page and follow our guidelines when using RestSharp v107+.

Some of the points to be aware of:

  • AddParameter("application/json", ..., ParameterType.RequestBody) won't work, use AddBody instead, or better, AddJsonBody.
  • AddJsonBody("{ foo: 'bar' }") won't work (and it never worked), use AddStringBody. AddJsonBody is for serializable objects, not for strings.
  • If your AddParameter(something, something, ParameterType.RequestBody) doesn't work, try AddBody as it will do its best to figure out what kind of body you're adding.


Lots of code out there that uses RestSharp has lines like:

request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");

This is completely unnecessary, and often harmful. The Content-Type header is the content header, not the request header. It might be different per individual part of the body when using multipart-form data, for example. RestSharp sets the correct content-type header automatically, based on your body format, so don't override it. The Accept header is set by RestSharp automatically based on registered serializers. By default, both XML and JSON are supported. Only change the Accept header if you need something else, like binary streams, or plain text.

Making requests

The IRestRequest interface is deprecated. You will be using the RestRequest class instance.

You can still create a request as before:

var request = new RestRequest();

Adding parameters hasn't changed much, except you cannot add cookie parameters to the request. It's because cookies are added to the HttpMessageHandler cookie container, which is not accessible inside the request class.

var request = new RestRequest()
    .AddQueryParameter("foo", "bar")

Quite a few options previously available via IRestRequest are now in RestClientOptions. It's also because changing those options forced us to use a different HTTP message handler, and it caused hanging connections, etc.

When you got a request instance, you can make a call:

var request = new RestRequest()
    .AddQueryParameter("foo", "bar")
var response = await client.PostAsync<MyResponse>(request, cancellationToken);

The IRestResponse interface is deprecated. You get an instance of RestResponse or RestResponse<T> in return.

You can also use a simplified API for making POST and PUT requests:

var request = new MyRequest { Data = "foo" };
var response = await client.PostAsync<MyRequest, MyResponse>(request, cancellationToken);
// response will be of type TResponse

This way you avoid instantiating RestRequest explicitly.

Using your own HttpClient

RestClient class has two constructors, which accept either HttpClient or HttpMessageHandler instance.

This way you can use a pre-configured HttpClient or HttpMessageHandler, customized for your needs.

Default serializers

For JSON, RestSharp will use JsonSerializer from the System.Text.Json package. This package is now referenced by default, and it is the only dependency of the RestSharp NuGet package.

The Utf8 serializer package is deprecated as the package is not being updated.

For XML requests and responses RestSharp uses DotNetXmlSerializer and DotNetXmlDeserializer. Previously used default XmlSerializer, XmlDeserializer, and XmlAttrobuteDeserializer are moved to a separate package RestSharp.Serializers.Xml.

NTLM authentication

The NtlmAuthenticator is deprecated.

NTLM authenticator was doing nothing more than telling WebRequest to use certain credentials. Now with RestSharp, the preferred way would be to set the Credentials or UseDefaultCredentials property in RestClientOptions.

The reason to remove it was that all other authenticators use AuthenticatorBase, which must return a parameter. In general, any authenticator is given a request before its made, so it can do something with it. NTLM doesn't work this way, it needs some settings to be provided for HttpClientHandler, which is set up before the HttpClient instance is created, and it happens once per RestClient instance, and it cannot be changed per request.

Delegating handlers

You can easily build your own request/response pipeline, as you would with HttpClient. RestClient will create an HttpMessageHandler instance for its own use, using the options provided. You can, of course, provide your own instance of HttpMessageHandler as RestSharpClient has a constructor that accepts a custom handler and uses it to create an HttpClient instance. However, you'll be on your own with the handler configuration in this case.

If you want to build a pipeline, use delegating handlersopen in new window. For example, you can use HttpTracer to debug your HTTP callsopen in new window like this:

var options = new RestClientOptions(_server.Url) {
    ConfigureMessageHandler = handler => 
        new HttpTracerHandler(handler, new ConsoleLogger(), HttpMessageParts.All)
var client = new RestClient(options);

RestClient should be thread-safe. It holds an instance of HttpClient and HttpMessageHandler inside. Do not instantiate the client for a single call, otherwise you get issues with hanging connections and connection pooling won't be possible.

Do create typed API clients for your use cases. Use a single instance of RestClient internally in such an API client for making calls. It would be similar to using typed clients using HttpClient, for example:

public class GitHubClient {
    readonly RestClient _client;

    public GitHubClient() {
        _client = new RestClient("")
            .AddDefaultHeader(KnownHeaders.Accept, "application/vnd.github.v3+json");

    public Task<GitHubRepo[]> GetRepos()
        => _client.GetJsonAsync<GitHubRepo[]>("users/aspnet/repos");

Do not use one instance of RestClient across different API clients.

This documentation contains the complete example of a Twitter API client, which you can use as a reference.

Presumably solved issues

The next RestSharp version presumably solves the following issues:

  • Connection pool starvation
  • Hanging open TCP connections
  • Improper handling of async calls
  • Various SimpleJson serialization quirks
  • HTTP/2 support
  • Intermediate certificate issue
  • Uploading large files (use file parameters with Stream)
  • Downloading large files (use DownloadFileStreamAsync)

Deprecated interfaces

The following interfaces are removed from RestSharp:

  • IRestRequest
  • IRestResponse
  • IHttp


Mocking an infrastructure component like RestSharp (or HttpClient) is not the best idea. Even if you check that all the parameters are added correctly to the request, your "unit test" will only give you a false sense of safety that your code actually works. But, you have no guarantee that the remote server will accept your request, or if you can handle the actual response correctly.

However, since v109 you can still mock the IRestClient interface, but you only need to implement the ExecuteAsync method. The ExecuteAsync method is the only one that actually makes a call to the remote server. All other methods are just wrappers around it.

The best way to test HTTP calls is to make some, using the actual service you call. However, you might still want to check if your API client forms requests in a certain way. You might also be sure about what the remote server responds to your calls with, so you can build a set of JSON (or XML) responses, so you can simulate remote calls.

It is perfectly doable without using interfaces. As RestSharp uses HttpClient internally, it certainly uses HttpMessageHandler. Features like delegating handlers allow you to intercept the request pipeline, inspect the request, and substitute the response. You can do it yourself, or use a library like MockHttpopen in new window. They have an example provided in the repository README, so we have changed it for RestClient here:

var mockHttp = new MockHttpMessageHandler();

// Setup a respond for the user api (including a wildcard in the URL)
        .Respond("application/json", "{'name' : 'Test McGee'}"); // Respond with JSON

// Instantiate the client normally, but replace the message handler
var client = new RestClient(new RestClientOptions { ConfigureMessageHandler = _ => mockHttp });

var request = new RestRequest("http://localhost/api/user/1234");
var response = await client.GetAsync(request);

// No network connection required
Console.Write(response.Content); // {'name' : 'Test McGee'}


Below, you can find members of IRestClient and IRestRequest with their corresponding status and location in the new API.

IRestClient memberWhere is it now?
AutomaticDecompressionRestClientOptions, changed type
TimeoutRestClientOptions, RestRequest
CachePolicyRestClientOptions, changed type
PipelinedNot supported
UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharingNot supported
ConnectionGroupNameNot supported
ReadWriteTimeoutNot supported
UseSynchronizationContextNot supported
Deserialize<T>(IRestResponse response)RestSerializers
BuildUri(IRestRequest request)Extension
ExecuteAsync<T>(IRestRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)RestClient
ExecuteAsync<T>(IRestRequest request, Method httpMethod, CancellationToken cancellationToken)Extension
ExecuteAsync(IRestRequest request, Method httpMethod, CancellationToken cancellationToken)Extension
ExecuteAsync(IRestRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)Extension
ExecuteGetAsync<T>(IRestRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)Extension
ExecutePostAsync<T>(IRestRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)Extension
ExecuteGetAsync(IRestRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)Extension
ExecutePostAsync(IRestRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)Extension
Execute(IRestRequest request)Deprecated
Execute(IRestRequest request, Method httpMethod)Deprecated
Execute<T>(IRestRequest request)Deprecated
Execute<T>(IRestRequest request, Method httpMethod)Deprecated
DownloadData(IRestRequest request)Deprecated
ExecuteAsGet(IRestRequest request, string httpMethod)Deprecated
ExecuteAsPost(IRestRequest request, string httpMethod)Deprecated
ExecuteAsGet<T>(IRestRequest request, string httpMethod)Deprecated
ExecuteAsPost<T>(IRestRequest request, string httpMethod)Deprecated
BuildUriWithoutQueryParameters(IRestRequest request)Extension
ConfigureWebRequest(Action<HttpWebRequest> configurator)Removed
AddHandler(string contentType, Func<IDeserializer> deserializerFactory)Removed
RemoveHandler(string contentType)Removed
IRestRequest memberWhere is it now?
AdvancedResponseWriterRestRequest, changed signature
ResponseWriterRestRequest, changed signature
CredentialsRemoved, use RestClientOptions
ReadWriteTimeoutNot supported
UseDefaultCredentialsRemoved, use RestClientOptions
AllowedDecompressionMethodsRemoved, use RestClientOptions
OnBeforeRequestRestRequest, changed signature
BodyRemoved, use Parameters
AddParameter(Parameter p)RestRequest
AddFile(string name, string path, string contentType)Extension
AddFile(string name, byte[] bytes, string fileName, string contentType)Extension
AddFile(string name, Action<Stream> writer, string fileName, long contentLength, string contentType)Extension
AddFileBytes(string name, byte[] bytes, string filename, string contentType)Extension AddFile
AddBody(object obj, string xmlNamespace)Deprecated
AddBody(object obj)Extension
AddJsonBody(object obj)Extension
AddJsonBody(object obj, string contentType)Extension
AddXmlBody(object obj)Extension
AddXmlBody(object obj, string xmlNamespace)Extension
AddObject(object obj, params string[] includedProperties)Extension
AddObject(object obj)Extension
AddParameter(string name, object value)Extension
AddParameter(string name, object value, ParameterType type)Extension
AddParameter(string name, object value, string contentType, ParameterType type)Extension
AddOrUpdateParameter(Parameter parameter)Extension
AddOrUpdateParameters(IEnumerable<Parameter> parameters)Extension
AddOrUpdateParameter(string name, object value)Extension
AddOrUpdateParameter(string name, object value, ParameterType type)Extension
AddOrUpdateParameter(string name, object value, string contentType, ParameterType type)Extension
AddHeader(string name, string value)Extension
AddOrUpdateHeader(string name, string value)Extension
AddHeaders(ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, string>> headers)Extension
AddOrUpdateHeaders(ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, string>> headers)Extension
AddCookie(string name, string value)Extension
AddUrlSegment(string name, string value)Extension
AddUrlSegment(string name, string value, bool encode)Extension
AddUrlSegment(string name, object value)Extension
AddQueryParameter(string name, string value)Extension
AddQueryParameter(string name, string value, bool encode)Extension
AddDecompressionMethod(DecompressionMethods decompressionMethod)Not supported
IncreaseNumAttempts()Made internal